Case Study: Investment App

A digital transformation journey

A company used to manual processes asked to modernize its private pension projects

The company was a large, Brazilian investment company, focused mostly on mastering its financial advising methods, but lacking in a solid digital transformation. The first step was aiming at improving the pension and welfare area with a modern, well-built mobile app.

MS Excel can solve your issues…

Undoubtedly, there are a large range of tools and ways to hit a client’s painpoint, and your company may keep using the same tool and be able to grow, but it may not be the best and fastest way.

…but for how long?

Being aware of digital transformation processes, modernizing methods and keeping up with the new technologies is a vital key for a more assertive growth, and that was the project’s focus.

Focusing on the right audience

User Journey

Retirement planning and social welfare programs are not quick-fix solutions that yield immediate results. It takes time and patience to see the benefits of your investment choices. Moreover, understanding the target audience for the project is crucial for its success. In this regard, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Our target customer was a mature individual with a wealth of financial knowledge;

  • They were looking to invest a significant amount of money;

  • They desired the guidance of an investment advisor to help them navigate through the investment process;

  • And they demanded a user-friendly solution.

Working with high-expectation customers

Approaching users with a professional communication

To create a UI design that appealed to the high-end target audience of our client, I began by analyzing their brand identity and understanding their audience. I aimed to create a professional and sophisticated design that reflected the quality of their brand and the expectations of their affluent customers.

Incorporating user interface principles and design best practices, I developed a visually appealing interface that drew inspiration from luxury brands such as perfumes and high-end automobiles.

To ensure consistency and facilitate collaboration, I joined the Design System process, working with the marketing and design teams to create a cohesive aesthetic and bridge the gap between design and development.

What next?

This project marks the first step in the digital transformation of our client’s company. In the area of pension and welfare management, there is significant potential for improvement by moving from a manual, investment advisor-focused process to an automated, modern approach.

As a product designer, my goal is to ensure that users can utilize tools with confidence and explore the possibilities that companies offers independently.

Thank you for reading my case study!

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